How To Move

Over 50 pages of easy to read consumer information is contained in this section which has been written and is constantly updated by lawyers. Designed to take you through the process from start to finish and keep you on track, using our How To Move guide is like having a free solicitor available to answer your questions 24 hours a day! Print out any section you want as a checklist for what happens next.

Finding Your Way Around

The links to the top of this web page are the main topic headings from which you can choose. In each main topic page is a list of more detailed sections concerning the topic which you may access.

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The property process in Northern Ireland is unique; it is different to other parts of Ireland and Scotland, England and Wales. Whilst every effort has been made, and is constantly being made, to ensure the information, general advice and guidance given in this website is accurate and up to date, no warranty is given in respect of same and professional advice for your particular situation should always be taken. For further details on our terms and conditions of use please click our Legals button.

Legal content supplied by Wilson Nesbitt Solicitors.